Thursday, June 23, 2011

Here come the Rains!

The monsoon season is upon us and with it, it brings all the promise and splendor of nature's beauty and love. As the first drop of rain touches the earth, we squeal in delight for the forthcoming of a whole new season of freshness and greenery after the torrid hotness of the summer.

Children dancing in the rain on the streets, people bustling by to run their errands, the quintessentially Indian 'Chai' and 'Pakodas' in offices & homes and grannies who regale the delighted children with interesting stories. All of this heralds the joy that the monsoons bring.

Yet, there is a life beyond the goodness of this season. A life where people living in coastal areas deal with the monstrous side of the rains on a day-to-day basis. The most disaster prone areas have experienced it acutely. Life there stops for no one. The rains bring the joy of a new season but along with a hoard of other problems. Homes are re-located, roads re-built time and again, disaster management processes put in place to avoid yet another season of high inconvenience and chaos.

Despite the efforts, there is a general lack of seriousness in the crowd. They have by large taken it to be another permanent part of their lives. Monsoon or no monsoon, life must get on and when it is a matter of survival for most where would the joyous disposition for rains come from? When would there be a time to pause and wonder at the beauty of it all? When there are uncountable puddles to avoid and the rush hour to cross as the minutes pass by and you're either stuck in the middle of nowhere in a bus full of wet, drenched to the skin passengers mingling in the scent of 'beedis', coffee, the good ol' sweat and the damp odor of the weather or you're travelling in a Mumbai local much to the same effect with the additional swaying of bodies to the rhythm of the beats that the rain Gods play.

Life just doesn't stop. This is a land where people time and again reaffirm Darwin's 'Survival of the Fittest'. We are typically laid-back when it comes to management and implementing processes. We seek to cross the hurdles by getting around them instead of taking them head on and uprooting their seeds. Yet, their is a beauty to it all. There is a beauty in the chaos, there is music in the sounds of the crowd, there is rhythm in the life that flows through the crowd as they move in different directions always seeking; always running. And, there is respect and an inexplicable joy in the hearts of the people when they make it through another day without losing themselves.

Love for the monsoons come to each heart that has loved, that has lived, that has breathed and that has danced. It is the season of love when the peacocks come out and dance to the tune of the rains, when the trees and flowers are at the peak of their beauty. Monsoon is that time in the life of nature which is the age post-adolescence. Each year the nature is born, grows and withers in old age. Monsoon is the time of the year when the nature is at the peak of its youth. And, what beauty it has! It reminds us of our very own youth and the freshness of the heart. So, let's take that cup of 'chai' we talked about and sit back and admire as the nature parades and dances through the love season.

Copyright created on 23rd June 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Inner Peace! You're going Down!

Possibly the most fantastic thing that happened this year. A Panda stole my heart! He's fun, he's cute, he's innocent, he's unassumingly adorable and boy! is he awesome at some serious ass-kicking Kung Fu!

In a quest to save Kung-Fu, Po, the 'Dragon Warrior' Panda and the Furious Five make their journey to China but what lies ahead can change Po's life forever. The place not only is the land of Kung Fu Legends, but also holds the mystery to Po's identity. His arch enemy Lord Shen has a connection to Po's past that Po's unaware of. What starts as a mission for Po to save Kung Fu soon turns into a struggle to master Oogway's last lesson of Kung Fu- "Inner Peace".

Jack Black brings alive our favorite Panda with a renewed energy. His voice does for Po what nothing else does- makes him approachable to the audiences' heart. Jolie is fantastic as the Tigress along with Dustin Hoffman as Master Shifu, Jackie Chan as Monkey, Seth Rogen as Mantis, Lucy Liu as Wiper, David Cross as Crane and Gary Oldman as Lord Shen.

The movie has some awesome special effects and brilliant animation. There's never a dull moment. And, the best part about the animation is that it brings the element of comic virility alive. There are a lot of scenes of wonderful sequences and unpredictable comic timing in action that leaves the spectator filled with delight. The action sequences are full of awesome Kung fu moves and funny twists.

The scriptwriting is brilliant. There are dialogues that make beautiful sense for the sheer simplicity with which they've been written and used. The movie has a very positive note in that it includes spirituality and fun in a perfect blend of blissful awareness.

In the words of Po, "Let go off the past, because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now." And, many more such moments of awareness that spring out of delightfully touching scenes. The movie is very moving in certain key moments that leaves the audience spellbound mostly due to the poignancy of the emotion combined with Po's innocence and truthfulness that's reflected in his face. Everyone can relate to the Panda in moments when his eyes shine with each new realization that brings him and with him the audience closer to 'Inner Peace'.

The Dragon Warrior's waiting for you. If you are at all into Kung Fu, animation, spirituality or just plain awesome fun, do watch it! And trust me when you do, you'll be saying in the words of our own very Panda,

"That is Severely Cool!"

Copyright created on 17th June 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Indifference makes all the difference!

Indifference is the much underestimated symbol of peaceful existence. Contextually, it is even a representative of a certain level of detachment required for confident decision-making.
Let's sketch our context first. What we're talking about here is not indifference towards life, how we live, how we are with other fellow beings and how we are with nature. Rather, indifference towards generalizing the whole human population. We live in a small small world and it is full of people with different views on life and how to live it. So, when a person acts on even a slight deviation from our scope of acceptance and definition of what life is, we instantly embark upon validating our beliefs on the other person's life by coercing him/her to come to our point of view.
Appreciating and accepting differences is the first major step towards living a good healthy life. Sometimes it is best to 'Let it be'. Since we know life to be a process of evolution and we know that each one of us is evolving every second with our own life experiences, it is futile and unnatural to urge the process of life to fasten its pace to accomodate our beliefs and validate them in another's life. That is arrogance. That is disturbing the nature.
And, look what we've come to by disturbing the natural course of things. Artificial breeding, inhumane treatment of animals, extensive deforestation, Factory farming and theologizing poitics. These are but a few of the major issues that have brought the world to a crisis today.
Detachment from an excess of anything is essential today and will always be. Because balance can never be found in 'Extreme' and Balance is the law of nature. And, the law of Nature is for All not excepting humas. And , we'll do well to remember this. For we never know when we meet our Nemesis.
Adopting indifference in this particular aspect of our life which is to not look around with insecurity towards what others are doing and keep walking our own path with self-belief can make human relationships as sweet as a newborn's kiss, as fresh as the smell of freshly tilled earth and as steady as holding the hand of a friend.

Copyright created on 13th June 2011

The Moment's Fleeting away, Friend. Watch it!

It’s like Ayn Rand said; “The hardest thing to see is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see”. When Anna Hazare sat down to fast unto death for the anti-corruption Lokpal bill to be constituted fairly, a lot of eyebrows were raised. Not because they didn’t want an anti-corruption law passed, but because it signified a tremendous force of change. A Change, which is inevitable and often uncomfortable for most.
Corruption is evident in our politics. But, it finds its roots and its most formidable ally in the lazy and tenacious attitude of indifference that its citizens posses. It sits back on the throne of our indifference and manipulates the people and processes to suit its needs. Its shadow passes over the entire land and it spreads its arms to capture and engulf as many people as it can until they languish, their value systems decay and they become a part of the monster. The error is in the attitude. The process of change takes years to materialize by which time the spirit of revolution takes a diminutive form. For this reason, it is imperative to always keep the spirit for Revolution of Change ignited.
We did not get freedom overnight. First, there were minor protests mainly based on personal issues such as religion, food or poverty. Then there came the Revolt of 1857 which gave a somewhat effective picture of a revolution. There were tribal uprisings and revolts of the peasants and artisans. And, slowly but steadily people started empathizing with each other and forming a ground for a common goal i.e. 'Swaraj’. For any change to occur, it is necessary to establish a common highest goal based on a true human value. For instance, the process of independence had one common goal based on a true human value of Freedom. Freedom from dominance, freedom from the shackles of stale establishments which ceased to serve the highest purpose of humanity.
The methods which were used earlier may or may not be effective in today’s context. The reason is an apparent lack of Patience. Any change that happens is based on a strong desire and urge. Since, the world is changing a lot many times faster than it did 50 years ago, the form that today’s revolutions take is different. The spirit remains the same. The desire remains as strong as it was but methods change. Processes change. Today’s revolutions are instantaneously aided by social media tools.
One drawback that the present population suffers from in this fast-paced world is what I call ‘The Temporal attachment’ syndrome. Since, there are so many changes occurring and so many minor or major revolutions happening (recall the Arab world’s uprising recently); that to put spirit into one and work towards its completion has become a big challenge. Our attention span for anything that lasts more than a few days is severely limited.
So, keeping the spirit up is the most important thing. To remain aware and focused on the long-term changes and effects on the world around us is vital. A conscious direction to steer our values towards the kind of life we have, want to have or will leave for our next generation to have will do well to remain a priority for us.
So, lookout Friends! The moment’s fleeting away and it’ll do us all well to capture it and create the best we can keeping in mind the highest goals of humanity.

Copyright created on 13th June 2011

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